SPE-GCS Events

You found 10 events starting on or after August 31st, 2024.
Date Title Type Speakers Group
1 Jan 2030 ON DEMAND RECORDING: Prevention of and Response to Well Blowouts   On-Demand John Hatteberg, Bhavesh Ranka Continuing Education
1 Jan 2030 ON DEMAND RECORDING: Coiled Tubing Operations & Advancements   On-Demand Carlos Torres Continuing Education
1 Jan 2030 ON DEMAND RECORDING: Distinct Reservoir Engineering Aspects for Near Critical Reservoirs   On-Demand Maria A. Barrufet Continuing Education
1 Jan 2030 ON DEMAND RECORDING: The 12 Things no one tells you about Petroleum Data Analytics (unless you sign up for this workshop)   On-Demand Jim Crompton Continuing Education
1 Jan 2030 ON DEMAND RECORDING: Machine Learning and Data Science in the Oil and Gas Industry: Introduction, Case Studies, and Best Practices   On-Demand Patrick Bangert Continuing Education
1 Jan 2030 ON DEMAND RECORDING: CO2-EOR to CCS - the Maturation and Migration of a Technology   On-Demand Larry W. Lake Continuing Education
1 Jan 2030 ON DEMAND RECORDING: Advanced Wellhead and Choke Valve Design   On-Demand Austin McPherson, Shell Account Manager, Stream Flo, Jason Wipf, Project Engineer, Master Flo Valve Continuing Education
1 Jan 2030 ON DEMAND RECORDING: Writing SPE Technical Papers: Abstracts, Manuscripts, Presentations & More   On-Demand Terry Palisch, VP of Technology and Engineering, CARBO Ceramics Continuing Education
1 Jan 2030 ON DEMAND: Reservoir and Production Engineering Surveillance & Management   On-Demand Chris Fair, Don Nguyen, Venera Zhumagulova, Hieu Q. Le Continuing Education
1 Jan 2030 ON DEMAND RECORDING: Fiber Optic Sensing in Unconventionals   On-Demand Rob Bohn Continuing Education