This course outlines limitations in traditional Rate Transient Analysis (RTA) analysis, and goes through three new technologies that has been introduced the past few years to help enhance our understanding of tight unconventionals, namely (1) Numerical RTA (2) multiphase flowing material balance (FMB) and (3) Fractional RTA.
Two common goals of RTA are the quantification of early time well performance using the Linear Flow Parameter (LFP), as well as the contracted pore volume being drained (e.g. OOIP and OGIP). These two parameters are essential for understanding the effects of completions, geology, and depletion which then advises different strategies for optimizing the economics of future development.
We’ll cover the following topics in the course:
- RTA inputs:
- Production data
- Bottomhole pressures
- RTA What’s New?
- Multiphase Flowing Material Balance (FMB)
- Analytical & Numerical RTA
- Classical vs. Fractional RTA
- Numerical reservoir simulation/modeling
- Example Cases & Exercises
Level: Introductory to intermediate