We made significant efforts to characterize the existing natural fractures in the subsurface and understand the impact of the natural fractures.
Our mental model of hydraulic fracture – natural fracture interaction has evolved significantly. This talk will highlight our three main findings:
- Data (modeling, fiber, core-through, RTA) suggest that natural fractures do not generate severe fracture complexity. Additionally, the interaction between hydraulic fractures and fractures is favored where the orientation of natural and hydraulic fractures is closely aligned. Hence it is rare to see hydraulic fractures that deviate significantly from the current day Shmax direction due to natural fractures.
- Based on multiple diagnostic data, we see no clear trend on the influence of natural fractures on growth of hydraulic fractures or on production.
- Based on modeling, the main impact of natural fractures is to enable larger height growth and shorter length growth. This is due to higher net-pressure during fracturing in presence of natural fractures and higher degree of vertical natural fracture communication. Additionally, the magnitude of height difference is generally within the uncertainty range obtained from hydraulic fracture modeling without any natural fractures.