Slides for the presentation are now available for download here.
Sponsor: Wells Fargo
Please join us for our November 28 SPE BD study group to discuss the technical and economic merits of "Cube Development". Many public operators including Encana, QEP, Concho, Devon have started Cube Development of their multi-stacked pay assets.
The presentation “Cube Development- What, How, When, and Why” is going to be unique as Devon will teach us the potential developments and risks of this exciting strategy. The Devon panel will be led by John Raines, VP Delaware Basin Unit; Kurtis Schmitz, Planning Supervisor; and Patrick Kamann, Delaware Basin Geoscience Manager.
We will kick off with our popular 5-6 PM networking happy hour followed by the 6-7 PM presentation and Q&A. Both will be on the third floor mezzanine.
"Cube Development" is the industry term for simultaneous full development of a multi-stacked pay reservoir.
What are the "rules of the road" and best practices to successfully execute a "Cube Development" program? What up front planning needs to be done for simultaneous high density drilling and completion operations, infrastructure/facilities (water supply/disposal), and procurement of services (rigs/frac crews)? What incremental cost above and beyond typical single well D&C costs are incurred with Cube Development? What Cost savings and synergies are created with Cube Development?
What is the optimal timing for "Cube Development"? Are spacing pilots necessary before beginning "Cube development"? What is a realistic timeline for fully drilling up a section or half section with 3-4 benches? What "knobs" can be tweaked after completing a section and monitoring well performance? Can cube development still be implemented after development drilling has begun?
The key benefits of cube development are the acceleration of resource recovery and avoiding the negative impacts of parent-child degradation due to pressure depletion from existing wells. Fully developing one bench before developing a second bench (deeper or shallower) creates the potential risk of pressure depletion and "parent-child" well degradation. Cube development gives the best possible chance for all formations to be developed with maximum reservoir pressure and effective stimulation of multiple stacked pays.
SEASON PASS HOLDERS: You do not need to register for this event, as your Season Pass has automatically registered you for all 2018 – 2019 Business Development events. Thank you for being a Season Pass Holder!