Software training for Members in Transition only. You must be a professional member of SPE not currently working for an employer to take this class. No Walkins.
- Summary: The course is designed to introduce users to the Kingdom 2015 SeismicDirect. SeismicDirect makes loading 2D SEG Y data more efficient and less time consuming. It takes on the complex process of loading 2d SEG Y data by using a novel approach of attaching 2D SEG Y data directly to the Kingdom projects in lieu of importing the data
- Prerequisite: None
- Topics:
- View and Edit 2D SEG Y data files
- Attach multiple 2D SEG Y data to multiple projects
- Convert multiple 2D SEG Y data from One Coordinate System to another
- Make copies and manage the 2D SEG Y data
- View 3D SEGY data in order to verify parameters needed for their import into a Kingdom Project