April 24, 2018


Program Summary:  Taking Stock of Your Career – A Whole-Person Perspective for Engineering Minds

 Job transition may prompt attendance, but anyone seeking to shape their future and find greater work satisfaction should enroll.

Why/What:  Take a time to explore insightful questions and envision possibilities ahead in your work and life, with your SPE colleagues.  Transfer the learning back to unlock positive change.  Learn a simple system for staying on-purpose

Where/When:Sign up must be completed a week in advance to allow completion of complete a pre-assessment (the 16pf®) *.

How: We will explore powerful questions, delve into insights from a self-assessment test, and even consider whole-person wellness.  “Powerful questions create a resonant field into which our own thinking is magnified and clarified, and new motion can be created (Peavey).”  What have you learned from your past experiences and what can you envision next? What is being asked of you, professionally and personally? Where are you now and where would you like to be considering work, life and your wellness? What about your gifts, growth areas?  What resources and life practices will keep you on track?  

Take away: Walk away from the program with insight into what’s next and foundations for moving forward.  Brainstorm resources and build your network with your SPE colleagues.   

*Over 70 years of scientific research have identified 16 stable, fundamental building blocks of personality.  The 16 Personality Factors (16pf®) will provide deep insight into your strengths and patterns such as relating to or influencing others, self-management, and decision-making.


Participants complete a 16pf® online assessment in advance of the session by April 19th and bring your assesment to the sesion.  Contact Kim Kristensen-Lee at kim@labyrinthleader.org with questions.

Featured Speakers

Speaker: Kimberly (Kim) Kristenson-Lee
Speaker Kimberly (Kim) Kristenson-Lee

Kimberly (Kim) Kristenson-Lee, is a Leadership Coach, Talent Management Consultant, and Renewal Workshop Leader who spent over 25 years at Chevron in leadership and management consulting roles.  She is owner and Managing Partner of Labyrinth Leadership Group, LLC, a consulting firm advising on organization renewal, and coaching leaders on creating …

Kimberly (Kim) Kristenson-Lee, is a Leadership Coach, Talent Management Consultant, and Renewal Workshop Leader who spent over 25 years at Chevron in leadership and management consulting roles.  She is owner and Managing Partner of Labyrinth Leadership Group, LLC, a consulting firm advising on organization renewal, and coaching leaders on creating purpose and impact at work.  LLG helps clients define priorities, clarify strategies and strengths, unlock progress and navigate forward.  LLG supports individual development using a coaching process featuring the 16pf® Questionnaire.  In addition to her role at LLG, Kim is a Practice Steward at Center for Purposeful Leadership in Minneapolis, Minnesota.

Full Description


Abdul Rehman

Email - arehman.thebo@gmail.com

Phone - 267-616-0368

Date and Time

Tue, April 24, 2018

9 a.m. - 3 p.m.
(GMT-0600) US/Central

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