ABSTRACT of Presentation
In this wide ranging presentation, Mr. Larry will review the year past, including what was good, not so good, and what went completely wrong. He’ll use these takeaways and look ahead into the next year with an eye on probable changes, not only to the fundamentals of the market (rising supply, rising demand), but also global implications (countries on the verge of economic collapse), and the effects of a new President in the United States.
The widening gap between the Western and the Eastern oil systems will be discussed. This divide continues to grow. Mr. Larry will touch briefly on the hopes and goals we see in Mexico and other Latin American countries. Canada will be vetted and their increasing presence in midstream markets may indicate they have sights on greater influence in the US market.
An overview of the future of the American Oil Dream will also be presented. As we have all heard the term “Internet of Things”, a snapshot of what that means to the oil industry will be presented. The use of Big Data and the ways it can be applied now and into the next year will be discussed.
Much has been made about a “connected digital oilfield”. Mr. Larry will look into the idea that, as most things in this industry, the tried and true usually prevail.
He will also include a few predictions about oil prices in his presentation.
Registration & Walk-ins
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