ABSTRACT of Presentation
This discussion will highlight some of the findings in the first edition of API standard 17TR8, recognize the work being done for the second edition, and touch on some of the work being done by other API subcommittees.
17TR8 is an API technical report published in February, 2015 to establish design methods, material functional specifications, and design validation requirements for equipment operating above 15000 psi and 350 F, specifically for subsea equipment.
As the first design guideline, 17TR8 provides the industry a foothold in developing other HPHT standards for based on current high pressure design theory and fracture mechanics protocols developed since the late 1970's. It also worked hard to reconcile these more advanced design guidelines with grandfathered equipment, built without these advanced design tools/theories, but nevertheless qualified through rigorous material practices and exhaustive qualification tests and in service history.
Since its introduction, other Subcommittees within API's CSOEM are now using 17TR8 as a template in part or in total to develop their own HPHT guidelines.
The 2015 publishing date was a compromise by the task group to get most of the basic guidelines out to the industry in time to address pressing pending projects. But not all of the vexing issues could be brokered in time. So the task group has embarked on a second edition of 17TR8 to provide clarity of existing text and address outstanding issues not addressed in the first edition. The second edition is not intended to change scope or direction; merely to clarify and provide additional insight and guidance.
Registration & Walk-ins
All attendees are encouraged to register and pay online for this event. This is a more efficient means of registering for the event and enables the registration process at the meeting to move much faster. Walk-in space is available on a seat-limited basis at a fee $5 more than the on-line registration fee.