Lost Circulation is indeed a “Simple but difficult” problem and sometimes it is made to look “complex” because of the way it is dealt or handled. So, this presentation is aimed at discussing operational strategies to handle lost circulation from a Preventive or Remedial approach. Just like in dealing with any other problem, having a “proactive” plan always saves money and time. In this presentation, a strategy for planning for lost circulation right from well design stage, with best drilling practices and best possible LCM application techniques would be discussed.
Now, just having a plan does not mean that it works all the time. Every well is different and one plan might not work on another well. So, this presentation will also discuss the Contingency or Remedial Strategy to battle losses. The benefits of having a Loss Contingency plan, importance of Knowledge Capture on LCM solutions (both success and failures) will be discussed.
With the above Preventive and Remedial Operational Strategies, it is expected that Lost Problem could be dealt in a much simpler way and not making it ‘complex’.