The global shale revolution is just beginning. Production from US shale reservoirs has increased from 2.5 Bcf/d to over 25 Bcf/d since 2007, illustrating the viability of this prolific new source of long-term gas supply. Other countries will undoubtedly use the knowledge developed in North America to jump-start their own shale plays. Although technical advancements are largely responsible for unlocking the potential of shale gas, the industry’s coordination with a broad set of stakeholders arguably have equal, and perhaps more influence on implementation of new shale developments. As such, they will increasingly impact our industry’s ability to more fully develop these resources. This presentation focuses on key technological advancements that drive shale gas development, but also the important aspect of how our industry is working with governments, regulators, academia, and the public more collaboratively to best maximize the immense benefits from this opportunity, while fostering the use of best practices working with governments, regulators, academia, and the public more collaboratively to best maximize the immense benefits from this opportunity, while fostering the use of best practices.