Over the last twenty years, the concept of digital oilfields has evolved from simply being able to receive live logs from digital sensors while at the office as transmitted from the well site to more ambitious and complex ideas using similar feeds to run calculations of any complexity, provide insightful visualizations, or deliver trustworthy predictions. As technology has evolved, so have expectations and associated ambitions. Full value realization has however floundered due to the lack of a mechanism to integrate those various components and adjust quickly when new conditions arise. Some standards are emerging to facilitate communication, but they are not yet widely accepted and have proven ineffective at unlocking full asset value. The concept of a visualization, collaboration and integration platform that would provide common components and domain content in order to deliver management by exception, KPIs, E&P model-based performance monitoring, decision-support, analytics, and workflow automation and control, has been proven in a limited fashion in over 40 pilot projects. When experience and technology from this emerging field are consolidated and focused on specific work processes, they have proven to be quite effective at delivering against expectations in very diverse environments. Examples that will be discussed include offshore, onshore, conventional, unconventional, green fields and mature fields, with problems ranging from logistics, to waterflood monitoring to flow assurance to advanced reservoir management. Discussion will then focus on how to apply the lessons learned from those pilots to move to a stable enterprise-wide platform architecture that would consistently and cost-effectively deliver the same value in a timely fashion.