Ramy Mahrous: Is aGlobal Technical Services Engineer in M-I SWACO’s Drilling Solutions division based in Houston, Texas. Ramy has seven years experience in drilling fluids engineering and field applications. His work experience centered primarily in Middle East and then spread along the United States, India and Latin America. He has been involved in extreme HTHP drilling projects where high concentrations of H2S and ultra-high temperatures were encountered as challenges out in the field. Mr. Mahrous was born in Cairo, Egypt, and has a BSc in Mechanical Engineering / Hydraulics (Fluid Mechanics & Gas Dynamics). Besides being an SPE member he’s a member in the American Society of Mechanical Engineers and the American Association of Drilling Engineers.
Publications if needed to be added:
R. Mahrous, M-I SWACO, a Schlumberger company; B.P. Montoto, Schlumberger; M. Sobrinho, M-I SWACO, a Schlumberger company; J. Thomaz Goncalves, Petrobras "A Significant MWD Tool Signal Strength Improvement: Another Advantage of Using a Treated Micronized Barite Drilling Fluid System" SPE ATCE 2012 San Antonio, Texas, USA, 8-10 October 2012.
R. Mahrous.M-I SWACO "Drilling Fluids Technology - An Impact Drilling Solution" SPE ATW: Drilling Meets Formation Evaluation, 12 -14 June
Fred Growcock, Occidental Oil and Gas Corp; Ramy Mahrous and Richard Flesher, M-I SWACO,"Shear Degradability of Granular Lost Circulation Materials'' AADE-12-FTCE-27 , April 15th 2012.
Keith Kiddy, Blake Brockerville and Ramy Mahrous, "SAFESURF WN S.ARAMCO", Oct. 2010 - M-I SWACO KSA Achievements.
R Mahrous, "Hazardous Chemicals Awareness", Aug.08 - SHELL- Nabors Drilling Safety Bulletin.
Barrie Esson, Andrew Kostulin and Ramy Mahrous, "H2S Scavengers new field testing procedures", Feb.08 - SHELL - M-I SWACO Records.
Ramy A., "Water Treatments", January 08 - RotarAct publications.
R.Mahrous, "Heat Exchanger enhancements", May 05 - 3RPS052005
Prof. SA, Prof. SS, Eng.RA, "Fluid Mechanics and Gas Dynamics", June 04 - Faculty of Engineering, Mechanical Dept.-Hydraulics Div.