Oct. 25, 2012


 The 9th Annual Young Women Energized (YWE) event will be held the evening of October 25, 2012 at Rice University's Rice Memorial Center Grand Hall.  YWE touches the cornerstone of WEN's mission and goals, by inspiring young girls to consider careers in energy. This year we have an exciting program scheduled! 

The Girls Program for Junior and Senior girls offers the students an opportunity to meet in small groups with energy professionals to learn more about education and career options in energy. Each student will meet with women in two different career fields and ask questions. Topics include engineering, law, finance, regulatory, and more.

The Parents Program informs parents and counselors of the career opportunities in energy plus the options available to enable their daughters to continue their education. Attendees will hear from college admissions and financial aid professionals at several universities and representatives of energy companies to find out what they look for in a new hire.

This year we are offering a new program which will be a Freshman and Sophomore Workshop, led by management and leadership consultant Sandy Frieden, Ph.D., Principal of Sandy Frieden Consulting. In this interactive session, participants will explore how to communicate in a way that effectively builds trust and connection with others, whether one-on-one or in work teams.

Featured Speakers



Xuan VandeBerg Harris

Date and Time

Thu, Oct. 25, 2012

8:30 a.m. - 5:30 p.m.
(GMT-0600) US/Central

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Rice University's Rice Memorial Center Grand Hall