Jan. 13, 2009


The decision to complete an oil or gas well is a paramount one.  A company may spend anywhere from $1MM onshore, to tens of millions of dollars offshore, based on this decision.  The completion decision is the final test and culmination of whether your geology was correct and the “what next?” after the well is drilled.  We’ll discuss mud and open hole logs to determine if and how much oil or gas is there.  We will also have a brief discussion of the economics of completion decision: “How much is it going to cost?” and “Are we going to make any money?”  It is important for all of us working in the oil and gas business to understand that this last question is the basis of everything we do.  If the company does not make money, we are all out of work.
If you have special dietary needs (diabetic, religious, allergies, etc.) please include a note of your meal needs during the on-line registration process in the box labeled "Optional comments for the event planner".     If you need any special accomodations or foods, please call or email Lilly Lee. 
There is a space I have set up for anyone to use in order to list available jobs.  In addition, anyone who is looking for a job may go to this area and look to see what has been listed.       

Email address is:

 Connect to Gmail on Google.com    

 USERNAME   spe.petrotechs

PASSWORD   petrotechs007

I hope this helps our techs in the industry.  Thank you.  Please contact Marci Nickerson for further information.


Featured Speakers

Speaker Mr. John R. Farina,

Sanchez Oil & Gas
John R. Farina has 40 years of professional experience in the oil and gas industry with a major oil company, a small exploration and production consulting company, and since 1981, as an independent petroleum engineering consultant. He has worked on completion, stimulation and workover recommendations for exploration and …

Sanchez Oil & Gas
John R. Farina has 40 years of professional experience in the oil and gas industry with a major oil company, a small exploration and production consulting company, and since 1981, as an independent petroleum engineering consultant. He has worked on completion, stimulation and workover recommendations for exploration and exploitation programs, both nationally and internationally. John has a B.S. in Petroleum Engineering from West Virginia University.  He has been a Distinguished Lecturer for the American Association of Petroleum Geologists on the subject of formation damage and its effect on well evaluation.  John is a life member of the Society of Petroleum Engineers and is active in the Gulf Coast Section’s Continuing Education Program as a lecturer and planner.

Full Description


Marci Nickerson

Date and Time

Tue, Jan. 13, 2009

11:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.
(GMT-0600) US/Central

Event has ended
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Sheraton Galleria

2400 West Loop South