The mission of the R&D Study Group is to create a regular forum for learning, discussion and networking for oil & gas R&D, technology development and new product development professionals. We will be closely aligned with the SPE R&D Technical Section.

Volunteer with SPE-GCS

The Research & Development Study Group has the following positions open: 

  • Publicity

Fill out the following form and the chair will be in touch with you about volunteering opportunities.


Position Name Phone Email
Chair Amit Patil 817.899.7028
Vice Chair Ethan Smith 210.722.0885
Membership Austin Wells None


  • SGT_0305
  • SPE-GCS Annual Awards Banquet
  • SPEGCS 2010 Kick Off Meeting
  • SGT_0272
  • SPE-GCS Annual Awards Banquet
  • SGT_0102