The Gulf Coast Section - Permian Basin Study Group mission is to disseminate and exchange technology concerning the development of oil and gas resources specific to the Permian Basin. We will provide opportunities for individuals to gain technical competence in the topic matter presented at our luncheon meetings.

Volunteer with SPE-GCS

The Permian Basin Study Group has the following positions open: 

  • Publicity

Fill out the following form and the chair will be in touch with you about volunteering opportunities.


Position Name Phone Email
Treasurer Amy Timmons None
Program Coordinator Mandy Grove None
Program Coordinator Benin Chelinsky Jeyachandra None
Program Coordinator James Rodgerson None
Publicity Samaneh Soroush None
Chair Aaron Burton None


  • SGT_0146
  • SPE-GCS Annual Awards Banquet
  • SPE-GCS Annual Awards Banquet
  • SPE-GCS Annual Awards Banquet
  • SGT_0343
  • SPEGCS 2010 Kick Off Meeting