The mission of the Society of Petroleum Engineers, Geomechanics Study Group is to provide a common platform for E&P professionals within the Oil and Gas industry to foster knowledge, provide networking opportunities, facilitate learning and encourage discussions to further our collective understanding of Geomechanics related issues. We aim to bring geomechanics professionals and enthusiasts together for a stronger and better community.


Volunteer with SPE-GCS

The Geomechanics Study Group has the following positions open: 

  • Publicity

Fill out the following form and the chair will be in touch with you about volunteering opportunities.


2020 Geomechanics Symposium


The 2020 Geomechanics Symposium is an effort from SPE Gulf Coast section to contribute and impart technical knowledge to members. The main objective is to provide attendees with an opportunity to learn and discuss, with highly distinguished speakers, the latest technology, research findings and interesting case studies related to petroleum geomechanics. The talks cover geomechanics issues faced at different stages of the lifecycle of the well.


The 2020 Geomechanics Symposium is to be held on April 16th at the Oxy facility in The Woodlands, TX (1201 Lake Robbins Dr, The Woodlands, TX 77380). 


Sponsors for this event have the opportunity to raise awareness and promote Brands and Products/Services. Gain access to networking opportunities with the community including key decision makers at the event. Contact Deepak Gokaraju (deepak@metarocklab.com) for available sponsorship opportunities.  


Position Name Phone Email
Chair Deepak Gokaraju 8485655101


  • SPEGCS 2010 Kick Off Meeting
  • SPEGCS-Golf-54web
  • SPEGCS-Golf-57web
  • SPEGCS-Golf-67web
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