The Gulf Coast Section of SPE is the perfect place to advertise your company for maximum reach to the right individuals. Our website averages over 33,000 visitors each month and our publications go out to over 11,000 members. 

We offer many ways to advertise with us so that you can find an opportunity that best meets your business goals.







e-Newsletter Opportunities

Reach and Frequency

The Society of Petroleum Engineers Gulf Coast Section distributes a monthly e-Newsletter twice each month to over 9,000 recipients; once at the beginning of the month and a second in the middle of the month.

Each monthly e-Newsletter, on average, has a 47% open rate with a 3.5% click-through rate on each email distributed.

Advertising Rates

  • Monthly Rate - Price includes one ad per e-Newsletter.
  • e-Newsletters are sent every Monday (exclusing holidays)
    • Top Placement: $750 - 4x/month
    • Middle Placement: $500 - 4x/month
    • Bottom Placement: $400 - 4x/month

We offer a 10% discount on a 6 month ad committment and a 15% discount with a 12 month ad committment.

Advertisement Specifications

The graphic should be 600 X 118 pixels at 72 dpi. Please provide a URL to direct users to your landing page.


Website Homepage Opportunities

Reach and Frequency

The website averages over 25,000 visitors to the homepage each month. There are 6 sponsorship spots available each month on our homepage and throughout the website on the right sidebar. 

Advertising Rates

  • 12 Months: $ 1,600.00
  • 6 Months: $ 800.00
  • 3 Months:$ 400.00

Advertisement Specifications

  • File Types Accepted: JPG, GIF, BMP
  • Static images only, no animated GIFs or Flash.
  • Pixel Width: 356
  • Pixel Height: 187
  • Maximum File Size: 20K
  • Resolution: 72 dpi
  • Target URLs: One target URL accepted


Event Listing and Custom Opportunities

In addition to advertising in our Connect digital newsletter and e-Newsletter, SPE-GCS offers sponsorship placement with our monthly events. An advertising package can be customized to meet all of your advertising and sponsorship needs.

For more information and to create a customized package, please contact our Advertising Coordinator at


media-guide-cover-2019.JPGDOWNLOAD THE 2024-2025 MEDIA GUIDE

For a complete guide to advertising opportunities with SPE-GCS, download our media guide. This easy-to-print format will allow you to share all information with your marketing team and decide on a plan that meets your business goals.




Advertising Contact
Advertising Coordinator