SPE-GCS Events

You found 4993 events starting before September 26th, 2024.
Date Title Type Speakers Group
14 Jan 2016 Cont. Ed: Oil Patch Writing Workshop Jeanne M.Perdue Continuing Education
13 Jan 2016 Drilling: How Do Drilling Automation and Optimization Work Together? Matthew Isbell , Keith Trichel Drilling
12 Jan 2016 SPE-GCS YP Jan 2016 Board Meeting Young Professionals
12 Jan 2016 Tech Transfer: Economic Espionage in Oil and Natural Gas Michael S. Morgan, Special Agent FBI Innovate
12 Jan 2016 Northside: Proppants: It Matters What You Pump Eric Westbrook Northside
7 Jan 2016 SPE-GCS Education Committee Meeting Education
6 Jan 2016 Reservoir: SPEE RDC – Who we are; what we are doing; what’s next? Rod Sidle Reservoir
1 Jan 2016 New Years Day - SPE-GCS Office Closed SPE Newsletter
25 Dec 2015 Christmas Day - SPE-GCS Office Closed SPE Newsletter
17 Dec 2015 CANCELLED: International Study Group: Mexico Series Mike Martinez International
17 Dec 2015 SPE-GCS Monthly Board of Directors Meeting Board of Directors
16 Dec 2015 WEBINAR ONLY Westside: Is Drilling the Undrillable Creating the Unfraccable? Martin Rylance, Senior Advisor and Engineering Team Lead, BP Westside
16 Dec 2015 Westside: Is Drilling the Undrillable Creating the Unfraccable? Martin Rylance, Senior Advisor and Engineering Team Lead, BP Westside
16 Dec 2015 Digital Energy: Leveraging Hadoop for G&G Advanced Analytics Vedant Jain, Solutions Engineer; Kelly Kohlleffel, Industry Executive - Hortonworks Digital Energy
14 Dec 2015 YP Holiday Party Young Professionals
13 Dec 2015 SPE-GCS YP Volunteering at the Beacon Young Professionals
11 Dec 2015 Energy4Me Teaching Session Young Professionals
10 Dec 2015 WEBINAR ONLY: General Meeting: Energy in America – What Is Driving Change? William Arnold, Professor of Energy Management, Rice University General Meeting
10 Dec 2015 General Meeting: Energy in America – What Is Driving Change? William M. Arnold, Professor in Practice of Energy Management, Rice University General Meeting
10 Dec 2015 Reservoir: Employing (SEDA) to Attain Accurate Developed Proved and Possible Deterministic Reserves Randy Freeborn Reservoir
10 Dec 2015 SPE-GCS Education Committee Meeting Education
9 Dec 2015 C&P: SPE 2015-16 Distinguished Lecturer Brun Hilbert: Well Design and Integrity: Importance, Risk and Scientific Certainty SPE 2015-16 Distinguished Lecturer Brun Hilbert, Exponent Failure Analysis Associates, Inc. Completions & Production
8 Dec 2015 Northside: Infill Completion & Production Optimization Workflow: Case Studies from the Eagle Ford Shale Jason Baihly, Efe Ejofodomi Northside
8 Dec 2015 PFC: The SPE at Texas A&M and the SPE-GCS – Collaborating in Houston at City Centre Ernesto Valbuena Projects Facilities Construction
7 Dec 2015 Young Professionals: From Surviving to Thriving: Understand Personal Success in the Current Downturn Todd Dewett Young Professionals