SPE-GCS Events

You found 4995 events starting before October 1st, 2024.
Date Title Type Speakers Group
19 Jan 2024 SPE-GCS Monthly Board of Directors Meeting   Internal Board of Directors
17 Jan 2024 Westside: Annular Pack Integrity in Sand Control Wells   Luncheons and Webinars Karthik Mahadev, Fracturing and Stimulation Advisor, BP Westside
14 Jan 2024 Houston Marathon 2024 - HEB Food Court Volunteering   Social/ Networking Data Analytics
14 Jan 2024 Houston Marathon 2024 - HEB Food Court Volunteering   Social/ Networking Young Professionals
12 Jan 2024 Leadership Challenges for SPE-GCS Board and Committee/Study Group Chairs   Internal Susan Howes Board of Directors
11 Jan 2024 General Meeting : Energy Transition - What Energy Transition?   Luncheons and Webinars Robert Bryce, Author, Journalist, Speaker General Meeting
10 Jan 2024 SPE Distinguished Lecturer: How to Leverage What We've Learned About Hydraulic Fractures   Luncheons and Webinars Garrett Fowler Completions & Production
9 Jan 2024 Northside: Pressure Pumping Market Update   Luncheons and Webinars Richard Spears - Spears & Associates Northside
1Jan - 12 Feb 2024 ML Challenge 2024: Call for Sponsors   Sponsorships Data Analytics
16 Dec 2023 Volunteering at the Houston Food Bank   Social/ Networking Young Professionals
15 Dec 2023 Introduction to Sub-surface Formation Evaluation and Formation Testing & Fluid Sampling   Training Sefer Coskun, PhD, Amer Hanif, MSc Continuing Education
14 Dec 2023 General Meeting/API: How Oil Field Service Company Board Decisions in 2023 Might Constrain US Land E&P Plans in 2024   Luncheons and Webinars Richard Spears, Vice President, Spears & Associates, Inc., Tulsa, OK General Meeting
14 Dec 2023 Using Production Data to Characterize Reservoir and Completion Properties to Improve Completion & Well Spacing Economics   Luncheons and Webinars Stephen Schubarth Reservoir
12 Dec 2023 SPE GCS Young Professionals Monthly General Meeting - White Elephant Edition   Social/ Networking Young Professionals
12 Dec 2023 Northside: Perforation Cluster Efficiency of Cemented Plug and Perf Limited Entry Completions. Insights from Logging Based Diagnostics   Luncheons and Webinars Darby Witt - Cordax Northside
12 Dec 2023 Webinar on Energy Ecosystem Management and Use Cases   Luncheons and Webinars Reishin Toolsi, Chad Macumber Data Analytics
8 Dec 2023 SPE-GCS Monthly Board of Directors Meeting   Internal Board of Directors
8 Dec 2023 Multiphase Rate Transient Analysis (RTA) with Whitson+   Training Mathias Carlsen Young Professionals
7 Dec 2023 (Sold Out) SPE-GCS & AADE: Richard Spears / The 2024 US Drilling and Completion Market   Luncheons and Webinars Richard Spears Drilling
6 Dec 2023 Unpacking ESG and Its Drivers [Virtual]   Luncheons and Webinars Amanda Hsieh Special Interest Group
6 Dec 2023 Unpacking ESG and Its Drivers [In Person]   Luncheons and Webinars Amanda Hsieh Special Interest Group
1 Dec 2023 MIT Fall Recap and Spring Planning for OTC @ The Fall Membership Appreciation Event   Social/ Networking Career Advancement Network
1 Dec 2023 Fall Membership Appreciation Event   Social/ Networking Membership
29 Nov 2023 SPE GCS Data Analytics Kickoff Event   Social/ Networking Data Analytics
17 Nov 2023 Carbon Capture and Storage and the CO2 Storage Resources Management System (SRMS)   Training Rawdon J.H. Seager Continuing Education