SPE-GCS Events

You found 4993 events starting before September 30th, 2024.
Date Title Type Speakers Group
10 Oct 2006 Comparison of North Sea and the Gulf of Mexico Offshore Developments Robert Shivers
2 - 3 Oct 2006 Unlocking the Challenge of Heavy Oil – Making the Pieces of the Puzzle Fit Together From Upstream to Downstream
28 Sep 2006 Reservoir - The Use of Dimensionless Scaling Methods to Predict Field-Scale Tertiary EOR Project Performance Jeff Simmons
26 Sep 2006 Career Management: Co-sponsored by SPE: Leadership Series Dr. Ray Piper, CMCI, PMP
25 Sep 2006 Petrobowl V
21 Sep 2006 Attracting New Talent to the Oil & Gas Industry - Panel Discussion: the Future, the Good, the Bad and the Rest Basil Allam - Chevron, Dax Routh - Hess, Dan Woodall - Chevron, Shelly Dunham - Anadarko, David Higl
21 Sep 2006 Completion & Production: Cement Packers in Wells – The State of the Art Mr. Fred Sabins
21 Sep 2006 SPE GCS Board of Directors Meeting
20 Sep 2006 Who Are We Today? What is Our A & D Strategy? Katie Jackson - Anadarko - GM Corp A&D
20 Sep 2006 Drilling Waste Management Group *PLEASE NOTE CHANGE OF VENUE & TIME* Michael E. Parker, P.E. and Simon Seaton
20 Sep 2006 Westside: Critical-Application Cementing: What Does It Include, and Do We Really Know How to Do It? James Heathman, 2006-7 SPE Distinguished Lecturer
19 Sep 2006 Drilling with Casing: A Practical Approach to Casing and Liner Drilling Steve Rosenberg
14 Sep 2006 ELP Monthly Social Hour
14 Sep 2006 Northside (Distinguished Lecturer) Water Injector Completion Design and Performance in Sand Prone Formations Darrell J. Wood (SPE International Distinguished Lecturer)
13 Sep 2006 Still in the dark about your BHA performance? Understanding Downhole Conditions – A Key Element in Drilling Optimization Marianne Stavland
6 Sep 2006 Ethics in Engineering Dr. Larry Brown
30 Aug 2006 DIGITAL ENERGY Technology Showcase - Interoperability: Eight Terrific Integration Technologies in One Place at One Time Keynote: Hal Green
25 Aug 2006 2006-2007 Kickoff - SPE Gulf Coast Section
25 Aug 2006 SPE GCS Board of Directors / Follow-Up Budget Review Meeting
24 Aug 2006 2nd Annual Reservoir Technology Showcase KEYNOTE - Guy Paul Vachon
17 Aug 2006 ELP Monthly Social Hour
8 Aug 2006 Hurricane & Natural Disaster Preparedness Best Practices
3 Aug 2006 SPE GCS Budget Review
28 Jul 2006 ELP Broomball / Mixer