SPE-GCS Events

You found 4993 events starting before September 28th, 2024.
Date Title Type Speakers Group
17 Dec 2014 Digital Energy: Lessons Learned in Technology Development… and Perforating ‘Smart’ Wells Curtis G. Blount SPE Digital Energy
13 Dec 2014 YP - Elves & More Bicycle Build Young Professionals
11 Dec 2014 SPEI: Shale Oil & Gas: An Executive Summary Steve Hennings SPE Newsletter
10 Dec 2014 International: The Mexican Energy Reform: Will Mexico Be Competitive? Alan Cunningham International
9 Dec 2014 YP Annual Christmas Party Young Professionals
9 Dec 2014 Joint SPE/API Mtg: OPPORTUNITIES IN SOUTHEAST ASIA NURUL SHAMS RUSLI, Director - The Malaysian Investment Development Authority (MIDA) Houston, JONATHAN YAP, Center Director, Americas – Singapore Economic Development Board General Meeting
9 Dec 2014 Northside: Addressing the Water Management Challenge through Commitment to “Fresh Water Neutral” Karen Olson SPE Newsletter
7 Dec 2014 YP - Volunteering at the Beacon Young Professionals
5 Dec 2014 R&D Study Group – Panel Discussion: Frontiers in Production Chemistry (NOTE: We are meeting on Friday this month) Mike Deighton, David Horsup, Ph.D., Lee Morgenthaler, Ph.D., Wei Wei, Ph.D. SPE Newsletter
4 Dec 2014 Drilling: Oilfield Markets in 2015 - Joint Luncheon with AADE Richard Spears - Managing Director Drilling
3 Dec 2014 Bus. Devt: Gastar Exploration – An Expanding Product (and Profit) Turnaround Story J. Russell Porter, President and Chief Operating Officer of Gastar Exploration, Host and moderator: TBA Business Development
2 Dec 2014 Young Professionals Board Meeting Young Professionals
2 Dec 2014 Reservoir: Operational Excellence in O&G Upstream: What is it and how to achieve it? Pedro Caruso SPE Newsletter
2 - 4 Dec 2014 SPEI: Leadership Academy / Inspiring Your Path to Success Mike Owtram and Charles Jones SPEI Member
2 - 3 Dec 2014 SPEI Workshop: Southern Extension of the Eagle Ford Shale: A Cross-Border Collaboration SPEI Member
27 - 28 Nov 2014 Thanksgiving - Office Closed Board of Directors
23 Nov 2014 YP: Paintball with SPE-GCS Young Professionals Young Professionals
20 Nov 2014 Cont. Ed: It’s All About Connectivity… Networking, Leveraging Relationships & Using LinkedIn SPE Newsletter
20 Nov 2014 SPEI Flow Assurance Technical Section: Quantification of Flow Rate during Slug Flow SPEI Member
19 Nov 2014 WEBINAR ONLY Westside: Unconventional Resources Require Unconventional Analysis Techniques David Anderson, 2014-15 SPE Distinguished Lecturer, Product Manager, IHS Westside
19 Nov 2014 Westside: Unconventional Resources Require Unconventional Analysis Techniques David Anderson, 2014-15 SPE Distinguished Lecturer, Product Manager, IHS Westside
19 Nov 2014 C&P: "Development of a 20,000 psi Drilling, Completion, Intervention, Subsea & Subsurface Equipment in 60,000 ft. water depth in the GoM Jim Raney Completions & Production
19 Nov 2014 International: The Petrochemical Boom - Past and Present Barbara Shook SPE Newsletter
19 Nov 2014 Digital Energy: Engineering Data Availability: A discussion about achieving operational excellence Marc de Buyl Digital Energy
19 - 20 Nov 2014 SPEI: Production Decline Analysis - Vertical and Horizontal Wells Steve Poston SPEI Member