SPE-GCS Events

You found 135 events starting on or after July 26th, 2024.
Date Title Type Speakers Group
31 Jul 2024 2024-2025 Season Sponsorship: Reservoir Study Group   Sponsorships Reservoir
31 Jul 2024 2023-2024 Season Sponsorship: Westside Study Group   Sponsorships Westside
31 Jul 2024 2023-2024 Season Sponsorship: HSE&S Study Group   Sponsorships Health Safety & Environment
31 Jul 2024 2023-2024 Season Sponsorship: Diversity & Inclusion Committee   Sponsorships Diversity & Inclusion
31 Jul 2024 2023-2024 Season Sponsorship: Members in Transition Committee   Sponsorships Career Advancement Network
31 Jul 2024 2023-2024 Season Sponsorship: Continuing Education Committee   Sponsorships Continuing Education
31 Jul 2024 2023-2024 Season Sponsorship: Special Interest Groups Study Group   Sponsorships Special Interest Group
31 Jul 2024 2023-2024 Season Sponsorship: Research & Development Study Group   Sponsorships Research & Development
31 Jul 2024 2023-2024 Season Sponsorship: Permian Basin Study Group   Sponsorships Permian Basin
31 Jul 2024 2023-2024 Season Sponsorship: General Meeting Study Group   Sponsorships General Meeting
31 Jul 2024 2023-2024 Season Sponsorship: Drilling Study Group   Sponsorships Drilling
31 Jul 2024 2023-2024 Season Sponsorship: Completions & Production Study Group   Sponsorships Completions & Production
1 Aug 2024 2024 SPE GCS AWARDS AND SCHOLARSHIP BANQUET   Conferences/ Symposiums Jitendra Kikani Board of Directors
1 Aug 2024 2024 SPE GCS AWARDS AND SCHOLARSHIP BANQUET SPONSORSHIP   Sponsorships Board of Directors
2 Aug 2024 Community Services Committee Sponsorship   Sponsorships Community Services
9 Aug 2024 Completion and Well Spacing Optimization through Reservoir Characterization   Training Stephen Schubarth Continuing Education
15 Aug 2024 Northside - Data Gathering Requirements for Class VI Permit Applications, from a Lone Star Point of View   Luncheons and Webinars Adam Haecker Northside
16 Aug 2024 SPE-GCS Monthly Board of Directors Meeting   Internal Board of Directors
21 Aug 2024 Poker Tournament Season Kick-Off   Social/ Networking Business Development
22 Aug 2024 Annual Symposium: AI Accelerated Physics Based Modelling and its Role in Energy Industry (Save the Date)   Conferences/ Symposiums Computational Fluid Dynamics
30 Aug 2024 SPE-GCS Annual Kickoff Meeting 2024 (Hosted by SPE-GCS Board of Directors)   Social/ Networking Board of Directors
10 Sep 2024 Northside - TBD   Luncheons and Webinars TBD Northside
12 Sep 2024 General Meeting : Future Sources of Domestic Gas to Meet LNG Demand   Luncheons and Webinars Amber McCullagh, Senior Vice President, North America Research, Rystad Energy General Meeting
20 Sep 2024 SPE-GCS Monthly Board of Directors Meeting   Internal Board of Directors
8 Oct 2024 Northside - TBD   Luncheons and Webinars TBD Northside