Tuesday, August 15 2023

11:30 AM - 1 PM
Tuesday, Aug 15, 2023 11:30 a.m.
Luncheons and Webinars

Across upstream oil & gas operations, automation continues to be an increasingly important way to reduce risk and improve efficiencies, even for complex tasks historically requiring close human attention. Traditional manual processes are prone to higher inherent risks and inefficiencies, leading to unplanned non-productive time and cost overruns. However, the integration of advanced technologies such …
8 AM - 12 AM
Wednesday, Jul 26, 2023 8 a.m.
Multi-day Event
Conferences/ Symposiums

Welcome to the Geothermal AInnovation Competition! We invite teams from around the globe to participate in this exciting virtual competition aimed at showcasing the potential of AI-assisted workflows in the Geothermal lifecycle.   This contest challenges Teams to propose LLM-based workflows for any discipline (geophysics, geology, drilling and completions, reservoir / production / process engineering, …