Wednesday, October 25 2023

11 AM - 1 PM
Wednesday, Oct 25, 2023 11 a.m.
Luncheons and Webinars

We made significant efforts to characterize the existing natural fractures in the subsurface and understand the impact of the natural fractures. Our mental model of hydraulic fracture – natural fracture interaction has evolved significantly. This talk will highlight our three main findings: Data (modeling, fiber, core-through, RTA) suggest that natural fractures do not generate severe …
5 PM - 7 PM
Wednesday, Oct 25, 2023 5 p.m.
Social/ Networking

After periods of under-investment in 2022 and the first half of 2023, there appears to be a revived appetite for M&A going into 2024. By the end of September, total deal value for 2023 surpassed 2022, while the overall number of deals remained low, signifying that the majority of deal value executed this year have …