Thursday, August 23 2018

8:30 AM - 4:30 PM
Thursday, Aug 23, 2018 8:30 a.m.

LEAN A tutorial that teaches you how to reduce waste and increase efficiency for your organization. Standardized Work consider tender example; make a method sheet "If you can standardize the routine aspects of a job, how much will be done more consistently, and how creative one can be for the unique, non-routine tasks." Demo/Game- Standard …
6 PM - 8 PM
Thursday, Aug 23, 2018 6 p.m.

  Register on Dear PiFNP Members, Sponsors, Alumni, and Leaders: You are cordially invited to our next” Pay-it-Forward Networking Programs" (PiFNP) Mixer to be held at Eureka Heights. Their address is 941 W 18th Street. We also plan to use this gathering to discuss topics concerning the way forward of this organization. Do not miss …