Oct. 29 - Oct. 30, 2011




Defining an asset as an exploration license, a discovery, or a producing oil or gas field, including all the infrastructure, facilities, equipment, and services –  asset management begins with acquisition of the exploration license and continues through exploration, appraisal, development, production, and abandonment.

Successfully managing the asset with the view to maximize its value requires developing a plan, extraordinary attention to discipline quality and integration, a careful management of handovers in lifecycle phases, and a rigorous discipline to continuously improve by conducting well planned post audits. Topics covered include:

  • Defining the contents of an Asset Management Plan
  • Providing an Asset Management context by examining External Factors such as fiscal terms, host government policies, regulatory requirements, partner’s and other stakeholders concerns, macroeconomic factors including prices of products and goods and services, and Internal Factors such as company policies, external commitments, resources, decision process and criteria, roles and responsibilities, authority guidelines, rewards, budgeting process and budget constraints
  • Describing Asset Management Process, key decisions, decision criteria, and deliverables required for the decisions
  • Multi-disciplinary team members roles, and information needed from each discipline in various stages of the asset life cycle
  • Managing and monitoring discipline quality
  • Overview of Asset Management Tools – Decision Mapping, Front End Loading, Decision and Risk Analysis, Value of Information, and Value Improving Practices
  • Explaining asset management process and tools with a field example
  • Role of benchmarking, post auditing and continuous improvement
  • Examples of mistakes that are frequently made in managing assets

Who Should Attend

Reservoir engineers, drilling engineers, facilities engineers, project engineers, project managers,petroleum engineers, production operations engineers & managers, geologists, geophysicists,negotiators, commercial managers, asset managers, multi-disciplinary team leaders, and management.


1.6 CEUs (Continuing Education Units) awarded for this 2-day course.

Featured Speakers

Speaker Alok Jain

Asset Management Solutions

Alok Jain is a director of Asset Management Solutions, Inc. which he formed after taking retirement from ConocoPhillips in late 2003. His company is involved in training and consulting services related to management of upstream assets. He served Conoco for over 22 years in …

Asset Management Solutions

Alok Jain is a director of Asset Management Solutions, Inc. which he formed after taking retirement from ConocoPhillips in late 2003. His company is involved in training and consulting services related to management of upstream assets. He served Conoco for over 22 years in technical and leadership roles with specific focus on Asset Management, Project Management, and Reservoir Engineering, in the U.S. and international locations like Nigeria, Norway, and Dubai and has a long history of creating extraordinary value for the company.

Prior to Conoco he worked for 11 years in the industry in Canada, U.S., and Libya in economic evaluation, reservoir engineering and development, and as a reservoir simulation engineer with Gulf Oil Company’s international operations in Venezuela, Nigeria, and Canada. He holds a BSc in Chemical Engineering from Panjab University, India, a post graduate diploma in Petroleum Refining and Petro-chemicals from Indian Institute of Petroleum, India, and a MS in Petroleum Engineering from University of Alberta in Canada.

Full Description


Cindy Davis

Date and Time

Sat, Oct. 29


Sun, Oct. 30, 2011

8 a.m. - 5 p.m.
(GMT-0600) US/Mountain

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