The SPE-GCS Education Committee is responsible for determining the best use of Gulf Coast Section funds for recruiting and retaining students to be scientists and engineers for the energy industry.  

The Education Committee accomplishes this through support of various programs in the section's primary and secondary schools and engineering programs at the community college and university levels encouraging students to develop their abilities in math, science, and engineering through scholarships, internships, and outreach.


SPE Gulf Coast Section Scholarship Endowment Fund

Helping Our Science - Engineering Students with their Future Careers

If you would like to make a donation for the SPE-GCS Scholarship Endowment Fund, please Go to the SPE-GCS Scholarship Endowment Fund Donation page or Download the Scholarship Endowment Fund Donation Form.  All donations are tax-deductible. 

Visit the SPE-GCS Scholarship Endowment Fund Page for additional information.

Download the Scholarship Endowment Fund Brochure


SPE-GCS Education Committee


Our Committe is dedicated to serving the SPE -GCS Community. Our primary objective is to determine best use of GCS funds for recruiting, training and retaining scientists and engineers for the energy industry.

SPE-GCS Strategic Plan

  • University Programs
  • Scholarships
  • K-12 Outreach

 SPE-GCS Continuing Needs

  • Elementary - Favorable impression / interest in math / science and energy
  • Middle School - Math - get through Algebra!
  • High School - Industry interest / scholarships / high school recruiting fairs
  • Junior/Community College - Untapped talent pool?
  • University - Faculty, especially young / new


SPE-GCS Scholarships

The SPE-GCS Scholarship is dedicated to increasing interest in the energy industry among graduating high school seniors and retaining students currently enrolled in science and engineering academic disiplines.

SPE-GCS Scholarships applications are typically accepted between mid-December and mid-February of the following year.

For more details, contact Nami Southern, Scholarship Committee Chair at or click on the link below:

SPE-GCS Scholarship Applications


SPE-GCS Internships

The SPE-GCS Internship Commitee works to secure internships for the new SPE-GCS scholarship recipients. Students who express interest in doing internships will be recommended to companies for consideration.

The SPE-GCS Internship Committee is also looking for internships for Houston Community College PetroTech students. These students need to have an internship to graduate.  Let us know if can offer any internships to HCC PetroTech students.

If you are a company representative and are interested in sponsoring internships or scholarships please contact our Internships Sub Committee Members:

Nami Southern, Internship Co-Chair (


SPE-GCS HS Recruiting Fairs

The SPE-GCS HS REcruting Fairs Committee organizes annual petroleum engineering recruiting fairs in the Houston area in the Fall to encourage high school students to consider careers in science and engineering.

The HS Recruiting Fairs are typically a two-hour program with a 30-minute program of speakers that has a variety of perspectives, including recent graduates, industry leaders and university recruiters

In the past, university recruiters at the fairs have included Colorado School of Mines, Louisiana State University, Marietta College, Montana Tech, University of Oklahoma, Penn State, University of Texas-Austin, Texas A&M University, Texas Tech University, University of Tulsa and University of Missouri-Rolla

For more information about the upcoming HS Recruiting Fairs, contact Min Zhang ( and Nami Southern (, HS Recruiting Fair Committee Co-Chairs.


SPE-GCS Student Chapters


SPE-GCS High School STEM Education - Tutoring Program


Are you interested in supporting your local high school in math and science? The SPE-GCS has a program that will meet your aspirations!

For more information visit the HS Volunteer Mentoring Program webpage.  

If you are interested in volunteering please contact Dick Murphy, SPE-GCS Program Coordinator, at

To learn more about this program watch this YouTube video: 


Volunteer with SPE-GCS

Fill out the following form and the chair will be in touch with you about volunteering opportunities.


Position Name Phone Email
Chair Nami Southern None
Treasurer Nami Southern 979-739-6088
Program Chair Alexsandra Martinez Scholarship Endowment Fund
Program Chair Nami Southern Scholarship, 979-739-6088
Program Chair Richard Murphy HS STEM Education - Tutoring Program
Past Chair Eric Robken 713-540-6398
Vice Chair Anna Wei Communities in Schools of Houston Liaison
Program Coordinator Jeanne Perdue HCC and UoH Liaison
Publicity Nami Southern Publicity Chair Internship Co-Chair
Program Coordinator Suhaib Kaissi Mentoring Chair
Program Coordinator Min Zhang Event Chair
Program Coordinator Rita Okoroafor Scholarship Chair

Our Gallery


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  • Merit Badge University at University of Houston
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  • spegcs, education
  • Merit Badge University at University of Houston
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