Collaborate With Us
Click here to view our summary!
There are many opportunities to join the YP team to help with event coordination. If you're a young professional looking to get more involved, join us at a general meeting or reach out to our current committee chairs where you are interested.
Special thanks to our dedicated team of Volunteers!
Host an Event
Are you interested in co-hosting an event with SPE-GCS YP? We work together with companies and other professional societies to host joint events throughout the year. If you have an idea you'd like to collaborate on please reach out to anyone on our core committee.
SPE-GCS YPs are now active on your favorite social media platforms including - LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter! Do not miss out on our events! Register to receive our monthly email blasts by clicking here or by visiting and go to the top of the page to "Log In" and click "Register." Fill in the form and be sure to check the user group "SPE-GCS Young Professionals" box.
If you have any questions or concerns, or even want to submit photos from an event, please contact our Communications Team.
As a sponsor, your company will have strategic visibility among the new generation of professionals in the oil and gas industry. The 2018-2019 SPE-GCS YP calendar is in full swing and our board members are actively planning activities. Our flagship events are the Emerging Engineers Conference and Roughneck Camp. In addition, we organize professional development meetings, community outreach events, and networking functions throughout the year.
If you are interested in sponsoring the SPE GCS Young Professionals please contact our Treasury Team.
Past Sponsors
Special thanks to all of our sponsors. We would not be successful without your generous support we receive each year!