• Stratford High School - 1978     
  • University of Texas at Austin, BS in Petroleum Engineering  

My favorite college memories include stories about our world class professors at UT. Dr. Ben Caudle gave “open book” tests for Fluid Flow where we could bring in our notes on a 3x5 index card. Dr. Larry Lake’s test questions referenced the beer that flows out of a beer bottle when opened, illustrating the reservoir drive mechanism. Mr. Pat Biggs locked the classroom door for his 7:30 a.m. well logging class, then gave an easy pop quiz to all students who had arrived on time, to ensure students’prompt arrival. My experiences at Chevron and previously at Anadarko have given me the opportunity to be recognized as an industry leader in petro-technical talent attraction, development and retention. In 2016, I joined Subsurface Consultants & Associates, LLC as VP of Engineering.  At Chevron, my roles in Reservoir Management and Organizational Capability provided me with opportunities to travel around the world. I’m an SPE Distinguished Member, and I’ve received several SPE awards including the International Distinguished Service Award. The highlights of my SPE service include leadership roles such as Soft Skills Committee Chair, Talent Council Chair, SPE International Board Member, Chair of the SPE GCS, and SPE-GCS Scholarship Chair. The SPE GCS scholarship attracted me to Petroleum Engineering as a major; my three summer internships convinced me I had made the right choice. My advice to students is to study hard, seek leadership roles in student organizations like SPE to build relationships and get leadership experience, develop your communication skills via frequent practice, and seek out internship experiences wherever you can find them. Contact me at