About the Society of Petroleum Engineers
The Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE) is a not-for-profit professional association with 127,000 members in 145 countries engaged in the exploration and production of oil and gas and related energy resources. SPE is a key technical and professional resource providing opportunities to exchange information at in-person and online events and through training, publications, and member programs. SPE maintains offices in Calgary, Dallas, Dubai, Houston, and Kuala Lumpur.

The Houston-area section, named the Gulf Coast Section, takes pride in being one of the largest and most active of the SPE sections. The SPE Gulf Coast Section (SPE-GCS) was established on December 13, 1935.

The Mission of the Gulf Coast Section shall be the promotion of mutual cooperation in furthering the objectives of the Society of Petroleum Engineers International, Inc. This shall be accomplished by:

  • Providing forums that afford members the opportunity to upgrade and maintain professional competence
  • Providing social interaction that increases member participation in Section activities as a whole, while striving to maintain the integrity of the Section
  • Supporting programs in area primary and secondary schools to encourage students to develop their abilities in mathematics, science, and engineering
  • Supporting engineering programs at the university level
  • Enhancing the image of the Oil and Gas Industry by sponsoring community service programs

The Gulf Coast Section is governed by the following by-laws:

2025 SPE Gulf Coast Section By-Laws

By-Laws Archive:

2020 SPE-GCS By-Laws

Select the link below to view the 2020-2021 Kickoff Meeting Presentations:

2020-2021 Kickoff Meeting Presentations

SPE Houston Office Information

The SPE Houston Office, opened in September 1995, is the focal point for all SPE Gulf Coast Section activities.

SPE Gulf Coast Section
10777 Westheimer Road, Suite 1075
Houston, TX 77042
Phone: 713.457.6821


