Ronn Brock, P.E.

Resume Information


Over 30 years combined engineering experience.

Includes working for a stimulation company, returning for my Pet. Eng. degree, working for Gulf Oil/Chevron
There I completed rotations in stimulation, reservoir engineering, field engineering, production supervision, and natural gas engineering. Later working with Subservice in Houston, obtained experience in the design, drilling management and completion of a very large salt water disposal well for the City of San Antonio.
If you need help on a short or longer term project, ask me and I should be able to help.
My degrees are BSIE, Pet. Eng, and Masters  CE with concentratio in Water Resources Engineeting / Environmental Engineering. I am professional regiseterd with the State of Texas

Over 30 years combined engineering experience with E&P, plus a second career with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. Work with the former Subsurface of Houston with all aspects of subsurface disposal of wastes
Production supervision, workover supervision and management, production engineering, reservoir engineering, natural gas engineering, drilling design and supervision, and experience in the environmental field, plus numerous assignments with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
BSIE, BS.PetE, Masters in CE with concentrations in Water Resources/Environmental Engineering