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  • James E. Taylor High School - 2011
  • Texas A&M University - College Station, BS in Petroleum Engineering

There is not one favorite memory with regards to my education. However, my favorite part of my education was being surrounded by people from many different backgrounds and places. It gave me appreciation for different mindsets, and taught me how to work with people from all over the world. I am currently about 6 months out of college, and I am working for Devon Energy in the Delaware Basin. The SPE-GCS scholarship helped me be able to spend more time on school because it helped me not have to work during the school year. My advice to students is to get involved in your campus's SPE chapter as a freshman. Attend every lecture or seminar with an industry guest lecturer. If you want to work for a company stay current with their operations by reading their quarterly reports. Read SPE papers on topics you find interesting in your free time.