SPE-GCS Events

You found 14 events .
Date Title Type Speakers Group
14 Aug 2024 Northside - Data Gathering Requirements for Class VI Permit Applications, from a Lone Star Point of View   Luncheons and Webinars Adam Haecker Northside
11 Sep 2024 Northside - TBD   Luncheons and Webinars TBD Northside
12 Sep 2024 General Meeting : Future Sources of Domestic Gas to Meet LNG Demand   Luncheons and Webinars Amber McCullagh, Senior Vice President, North America Research, Rystad Energy General Meeting
8 Oct 2024 Northside - TBD   Luncheons and Webinars TBD Northside
10 Oct 2024 General Meeting : How the use of cloud technology and AI transformed production accounting and reporting at the Nova oil field   Luncheons and Webinars Geir Olav Hagen, Director of EnergyX, Cegal AS General Meeting
5 Nov 2024 Northside - TBD   Luncheons and Webinars TBD Northside
14 Nov 2024 General Meeting : TBA   Luncheons and Webinars TBA General Meeting
10 Dec 2024 Northside - TBD   Luncheons and Webinars TBD Northside
12 Dec 2024 General Meeting : TBA   Luncheons and Webinars Linhua Guan, CEO of Surge Energy General Meeting
14 Jan 2025 Northside - TBD   Luncheons and Webinars TBD Northside
11 Feb 2025 Northside - TBD   Luncheons and Webinars TBD Northside
11 Mar 2025 Northside - TBD   Luncheons and Webinars TBD Northside
8 Apr 2025 Northside - TBD   Luncheons and Webinars TBD Northside
13 May 2025 Northside - TBD   Luncheons and Webinars TBD Northside