Permian Basin: How Do Cementing Additives Work & Why Sometimes Not As Expected?

Cementing is an important step during well construction since the resulting annular cement sheath is expected to provide zonal isolation for the lifetime of the well.
A cement slurry is usually pumped from the surface through the casing to the bottom of the borehole and from there into the annular space between casing and formation. Depending on the well conditions (such as depth, temperature, pressure, salinity), various chemical additives (e.g. retarders, dispersants, fluid loss additives) are required to adjust the complex slurry properties.
Chemical additive systems have to be carefully designed to provide optimum results within the cement slurry. Additive overloading not only affects economics negatively but also can cause incompatibilities within combinations of additives. This reduces additive effectiveness and can, in the worst case, even lead to complete failure of a cement system.
Therefore it is necessary to understand how cement additives work and to develop guidelines for optimum compatibility and more economical use of additives.

Mr. Brandl was incorrectly identified as a 2010-11 SPE Distinguished Lecturer in the September 2010 printed SPE-GCS Newsletter.  We apologize for the error.


This is a Permian Basin Study Group meeting.

Location: WestLake Club
570 Westlake Park Blvd
Houston , Tx 77079

Date: Sept. 21, 2010, 11:30 a.m. - Sept. 21, 2010, 1 p.m.